Visual Studio Code: A Super Convenient Tool

Visual Studio Code: A Super Convenient Tool


2 min read

Visual Studio isn't exactly an (IDE) Integrated Development Environment, but it is certainly an excellent code editor. It was developed by Microsoft and has tons of built-in support and features that allows for more effective and efficient coding.


Why Visual Studio Code?

  • Extremely customizable
  • Loads fast
  • Developer extensions
  • Built-in Snippets and IntelliSense
  • Keyboard shortcuts

Personal Configuration

Visual Studio Code is very easy to use, so the reason for this post is really to list the ways that I optimized it as there are so many things you can do in VS Code.


I'm sure this list of extensions will grow as time continues.

  • Live Share
  • Live Server
  • Java Extension Pack
  • Python Extension Pack
  • Debugger for Java
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer
  • Prettier
  • ESLint
  • Tokyo Night (Theme)

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Search Palette CTRL + SHIFT + P
  • Open Settings CTRL + SHIFT + X
  • Prettier Format CTRL + SHIFT + F
  • Open Terminal CTRL + T
  • Run Live Server CTRL + L
  • Run Program CTRL + R
  • Comment CTRL + /
  • Move Line (up/down) CTRL + ^
  • Copy/Paste Line (up/down) SHIFT + ALT + ^
  • Shift Tabs (files) CTRL + PAGEUP
  • Toggle Text Wrap ALT + Z
  • Multiple Cursors ALT + CLICK
  • Keyboard Preferences CTRL + K + S

Alright, that marks the end of this quick article!

For more information on VS Code...

Check out the VS Code Documentation

Check out this FreeCodeCamp video